» deutsche Version
The Law-Firm
Areas of Law
Real Estate Spain
Your way to our Düsseldorf based office
Your way to our Cologne based office

Information regarding the Law-Firm according to § 5 TMG

Name / Legal Entity
Waldowski Stünkel Arendt & Partner GbR;
Partnership under Civil Law

Located in Düsseldorf and Cologne

List of Partners: Partner

Location and Address: Contact

Laws applicable to our profession:
The major laws with respect to our profession are the Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung, Berufsordnung, Fachanwaltsordnung, Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz, Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte and Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Union.
You will find those laws under www.brak.de/ „Informationspflichten gemäß § 6 TDG".

Tax No. of our Law-Firm: 133/5343/038


VAT-No of our Law-Firm: DE121202422

Exemption from Liability:
The information contained in this website contains no legal advice. They are just a general information and our law-firm is not responsible for any disadvantages trusting those information on our website.

In so far this website is linked to other websites or other websites are linked with our website our law-firm is not responsible for those external websites.


The Chamber of Lawyers in charge: Düsseldorf and Cologne. You will find the addresses of those chambers under www.rechtsanwaltskammer.de.


Our professional liability insurance is AXA Versicherung AG, P.O. Box 920124, 51151 Cologne.
This insurance covers our legal service in connection with our legal advice regarding the laws of European States and our functions regarding European Courts.


According to the Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung lawyers are obliged to maintain a professional liability insurance with a minimum cover of 250.000 Euro. You will find details in section 51 BRAGO.